Prestashop Multi Vendor Marketplace
marketplace module for prestashop
Thank you for purchasing our "Prestashop Multivendor Marketplace" Module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our user page contact form. Thank you so much !
“Prestashop Multivendor Marketplace” module helps you to create any marketplace and allow vendors / store owners to sell or supply products from your site. It helps to set up your own marketplace fast, easy and reliable.
By this module, marketplace owner receive commissions on products they sell from vendor stores. Marketplace owner can setup the multi-store system to his site so that other store owner can sell their product from his site.
Only super admin has the ability to approve store from dashboard. Admin can set the commission rate or percentage with other information for a specific vendor store. He can also disable all market temporary. By this plugin admin can monitor all store sales performance.
Each vendor (store owner) has individual Admin panel. Vendor can add standard or virtual products item with many other information. He can check his all orders. Vendor can withdraw any amount from his total sales and percentage will automatically add to the marketplace owner after his approve. It has powerful reporting system with order, product sell and withdraw report. Vendor can set store info, images, popup schedule, social links, store page content, grid box content with store design. Store owner can edit and update his profile from here. It has also Store rating and Quantity alert options.
After install “Prestashop Multivendor Marketplace” module it will create three page links these are “Vendor Dashboard”, “Vendor Registration” and "Vendor List”. Dashboard contains Add/View product, Order, Withdraw, Report, Settings, Profile with other info, Vendor can login or registration from Registration page and all Vendor list will show at Vendor List page.
“Prestashop Multivendor Marketplace” module is a prestashop extension plugin which turns your Prestashop Site into a Multi-Store Marketplace.
“Prestashop Multivendor Marketplace” has some excellent features and easy to set up. It is more flexible and compatible with many existing module in the Prestashop repository. This module is fully customizable. Users can easily configure the module into the new or existing Prestashop store.
- Multi store system for Prestashop.
- In Dashboard Super Admin/Marketplace owner can view Total Stores (Vendor List), Total Products, Store Waiting for Approval, Total Store Orders, Withdraw Status, Sales Status etc.
- Marketplace owner can view Products info, Sale info, Profit and can set the Commission rate or percentage for a specific vendor store.
- Marketplace owner has the ability to approve store from dashboard with Enable, Disable, View or Delete a specific vendor store.
- Super Admin can Approve and View all requested product list.
- Only marketplace owner can send payment to store owner.
- Marketplace owner can view the vendor’s Store, Product and Order Report.
- Marketplace owner can monitor all store sales status.
- Anyone can register for a store which goes to site admin for approval.
- Each Vendor/Store owner has individual Admin panel which contains Products, Order history, Total Sales, Admin Percent, Store Progress, Sales Status and other info.
- Vendor can add products with Information, Category, Price, SEO, Quantities, Combination, Image, Image Gallery and Special Price. He can view his entire products list in this section. Vendor can add/upload Standard and Virtual (services, booking, downloadable products, etc.) products.
- Restaurant owner can view his Order list with details.
- Vendor can withdraw any amount from his total sales balance and percentage will automatically add to the marketplace owner after his approve.
- It has powerful reporting system with orders, product sell and withdraw report.
- Vendor can set store information, upload stores logo and banner, popup schedule, social links, store page content, grid box content with stores color design.
- Store owner can edit or update his profile.
- Vendor can view Store Rating based on his products.
- There is a Quantity alert option where store owner can view less quantity products.
- The user or customer can view all store lists with logo. After click a store, customer can view stores Profile, Collections, Reviews and other info.
- Find / Search a vendor store by Zip code, Name or Address.
* Before install the “Multi Vendor” module you must install or activate “Top horizontal menu” and “Product Comments” module (Prestashop default module) from Prestashop dashboard. Because this two modules are required for “Multi Vendor” module.
- Download the module and unzip the folder.
- Now upload the module zip file via prestashop module uploader.
- Install/Activate the module from “Modules and Services” menu of Admin.
- Click on the “Multi Vendor’s” “Install” link to install the Module.
- After install the module click on “Configure” button to configure your settings.
- In this section Admin should insert PayPal info such as Paypal Environment Mode, Paypal API User Name, Paypal API Password, Paypal API Signature, Paypal Payment Subject, Paypal Currency etc. You can disable all market temporary with store disable message and enable or disable product approve system from here.
- Login to your websites ftp panel and find the "themes" folder then go to your stores installed theme and find the "header.tpl" file and insert the following code in the beginning of “header.tpl” file.
{if $page_name != 'VendorDashboard' && $page_name != 'VendorListProduct' && $page_name != 'VendorAddProduct' && $page_name != 'VendorOrders' && $page_name != 'VendorWithdraw' && $page_name != 'VendorProfile' && $page_name != 'VendorRestaurantSetup' && $page_name != 'VendorOrdersReport' && $page_name != 'VendorSoldStatusReport' && $page_name != 'VendorWithdrawReport' && $page_name != 'VendorRatingList' && $page_name != 'VendorQuantityAlertList'}
Now just complete the code by inserting {/if} in the end of the “header.tpl” file.
- Do the same work for “footer.tpl” file.
- Admin can also view Vendor Dashboard, Vendor Registration and Vendor List link for Frontend from this section. Now add this three links by using “Top horizontal menu *” module.
- After configure this options go to Vendor > Dashboard to view Total Stores (Vendor List), Total Products, Store Waiting for Approval, Total Store Orders, Withdraw Status, Sales Status and All Store Last 5 Orders.
- To view all Vendor list go to Vendor > Vendor List. Admin can click on the “Approve” button to enable store in front. Admin can set commission or percentage and view the Products info, Sale info & total Profit from “Details” button. Admin can also View and Delete store from here.
- Admin can Approve vendor’s Requested Products from Vendor > Requested Product List. Delete Product and Send Email to Vendor also possible from here.
- To view the Payment Request of store owner go to Vendor > Payment Request. To send the payment to the respective store owner click on checkbox and click to “Send Payment” button. Payment will pay through PayPal.
- Admin can view Report from Vendor > Report section. Store Details, Product Details and Order Details report can view from here.
- Go to “Vendor Registration” page and create an account with necessary info. It will go for Admin Approval.
- After approve your store, login with your info.
- After login your store you will find a Dashboard. Here you will view “Admin Percentage”, “Total Products”, “Total Orders”, “Total Sales”, “Store Progress”, “Sales Status” and “Latest 5 Orders”.
- Now create your products. So go to Product > Add Product and insert all your products information. You can insert Standard or Virtual products (like services, booking, downloadable products, etc.) from here. You can set Special or Discount Price rate. Just insert discount price percentage in “Special Price” tab and it will automatic calculate in your cart.
- Store owner can view and search orders from “Order” menu.
- To withdraw your product sold amount go to “Withdraw” menu and insert your withdraw amount. After approve from admin you will get your payment.
- Store owner can view and search Orders, Product Sell and Withdraw Report from “Report” menu.
- From “Settings” menu store owner can set store information, upload stores logo and banner, popup schedule (html editor), social links, store page content (html editor), grid box content (html editor) with stores color design i.e. Top Header Text Color, Phone no text color, Email Text Color, Other text Color, Left Menu Color, Left Menu Selected Color etc.
- Store Owner can update his profile from “My Profile” section.
- Store Owner can view products rating, comments and other info from “view rating list” menu.
- If your products quantity becomes less than 5 then you will get an alert in “view alert list” menu.