Thank you for purchasing my WP Easy News Scroller Plugin. If you have any question that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form. Thank you so much !
“WP Easy News Scroller” Plugin is a jquery based wordpress plugin which is used to show the wordpress news or relevant posts with various sliding effects and sixteen (16) different Themes.
“WP Easy News Scroller” can be integrated in the sidebar or footer area on your Blog or Website. WP Easy News Scroller Plugin adds latest news with Title, Image and Description.
“WP Easy News Scroller” plugin has excellent features and very easy to install or setup. “WP Easy News Scroller” plugin is more flexible and compatible with many existing plugins in the WP repository. This Plugin is fully customizable. Users can easily configure the plugin into the new or existing WordPress sites.
NB. After activate the plugin please set the plugin Title and other functionality from “Widgets” option base on your website’s sidebar or footer area.
User can customize some view properties of “WP Easy News Scroller” Plugin from this panel.
Title: This title will display at the top of the plugin of view position.
Title Position: Admin can change title position to center, left and right.
Title Color: Choose your title color from here.
News Title Color: Choose your news title color from here.
News Description Color: Choose your news description color from here.
Background Color: Choose your background color from here.
Sliding Effect: User may change the sliding effect from this area. There are some nice effect Transitions available here like Scroll Up, Scroll Down, Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Fade, Shuffle, curtainX and Zoom.
Speed: User may increase/decrease the Transition speed of News Scroller form here.
Timeout: Timeout means how long a particular message/news should be visible to the viewers.
Theme: User may choose the different types of themes depending on their website/blog design or color. There are many types of themes available here like Gray, Gray Black, White, Solid Pink, Gradient Pink, Solid Black, Gradient Black, Solid Red, Gradient Red, Light Black, Orange, Solid Blue, Gradient Blue, Sky Blue, Solid Green and Gradient Green.
Height: User may customize the plugins height from here. If the news description is long then user can increase the height. Default height has been set 240 px.
Image Width: Uploaded image width is set from here.
Image Height: Uploaded image height is set from here.
Admin can set the "News Scroller" plugin in Righ Sidebar Area.
Admin can set the "News Scroller" plugin in Left Sidebar Area.
Admin can set the "News Scroller" plugin in websites Footer Area.